Doctor Who
Returns This Christmas  (Disney+, BBC One)
Doctor Who

The Day of the Doctor

The Day of the Doctor

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The Doctor crosses with his own timeline when a hole is torn in the fabric of reality, reuniting with two previous incarnations in order to save the Earth from a cunning Zygon infiltration … and seal the fate of Gallifrey forever.

U.S. air dates are in MM.DD.YY form.   U.K. air dates are in DD.MM.YY form.
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    • The 50th anniversary special (final title unknown) will air on November 23, 2013 -- exactly 50 years after the original series debuted on the BBC, with star William Hartnell.
    • Is there a previously unknown Doctor?  The last episode of Season Seven, "The Name of the Doctor," ended with the revelation of a new character played by actor John Hurt: "the Doctor," a part of the character's past who the current Doctor claims failed to live up to the name.

      Speculation among fans is rampant as to just who this character is. Is he a previously unknown regeneration? Was he the incarnation of the Doctor who ended the Time War, obliterating the Dalek race and locking the Time Lords into the past forever? If that's the case, he could be the true Ninth Doctor -- between Paul McGann and Christopher Eccleston -- making the current Doctor the Twelfth, not the Eleventh.
    • Guest starring in the 50th (alongside Matt Smith and Jenna Coleman) are David Tennant (the Tenth Doctor), Billie Piper (Rose Tyler), John Hurt ("The Doctor"), and Jemma Redgrave as Kate Stewart, daughter of the late Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart.
    • The episode will feature the return of the Daleks -- arguably the Doctor's greatest (and most infamous) foe from the show's 50-year history.  This lends some credence to the possibility that we will see the Time War itself.
    • Check out the new poster from the BBC here!