Captain Christopher Pike takes temporary command of the U.S.S. Discovery on a mission to investigate a series of mysterious signals, leading the ship into a dangerous asteroid field and an unexpected rescue mission. Meanwhile Michael struggles over her strained history with her foster brother, Spock.
Discovery chases the second signal to a planet in the Beta Quadrant, and are surprised to find it inhabited by a 200-year-old colony of humans. With Pike leading a team on the surface, the crew faces a new crisis in orbit.
Tyler struggles with his position as Torchbearer, as L'Rell fights to maintain control over the Klingon High Council. A visitor brings new intel about Spock to Discovery, and Tilly's imaginary friend causes problems.
With Discovery caught by a massive object that disrupts its systems, Saru must face the reality of his own ill health. Meanwhile Stamets and Tilly attempt to communicate with an alien organism.
Philippa Georgiou comes on board Discovery, putting Section 31 directly in the path of the crew's search for Lt. Spock. Meanwhile Stamets' search for Ensign Tilly reveals that Mae has pulled her into the mycelial network.
The newest signal from the Red Angel brings Discovery to Saru's homeworld, where a reunion with Saru's sister is cut short and the ship plunged into an ancient conflict between the Kelpiens and their predators, the technologically advanced Ba'ul.
Pike and Tyler investigate a temporal rift over Kaminar, only to find their shuttle trapped and under attack. Meanwhile Michael returns home to Vulcan in search of her brother, and finds him in an unsettling mental state.
While Pike and Discovery attempt to avoid Section 31's tracking, Michael brings her brother to a powerful race of telepaths who can restore his mind -- for a price. Meanwhile Hugh struggles with his identity as he rediscovers his old life.
Admiral Cornwell joins Discovery in a dangerous attempt to infiltrate the headquarters of Section 31, unaware of a mole that is in their midst. Meanwhile Burnham's efforts to help Spock are rebuffed.
Believing they have discovered the identity of the Red Angel, the Discovery crew hatch a plan to trap the time traveler in order to get answers -- putting Burnham herself on the line.
Burnham comes face-to-face with a time traveler, and discovers the truth about her family's tragic past. But while the crew searches for a way to avert a catastrophic future, Leland becomes a pawn of a dangerous foe.
Burnham and Spock investigate a Section 31 vessel that may have been infiltrated by Control, only to find a single surviving member of its crew. Pike must confront his own future when he visits the monastery on the Klingon planet Boreth.
After failing to destroy Discovery the crew decide upon a final plan to keep the sphere data out of the hands of Control, putting Michael in a position where she may never see her loved ones again.