Nick Fury returns to Earth when his friends send word that a rogue faction of Skrulls are planning an attack, setting humans against each other in order to seize the planet as their new home.
Nick Fury is forced to deal with the consequences of his failed promises and inaction, as Gravik unleashes a deadly attack on the public that draws international attention.
A reluctant Fury asks Talos for help, and the two turn to Falsworth for a lead. Meanwhile Talos tries to parlay with Gravik, who is secretly working to create "Super-Skrulls" who have been augmented with powered DNA.
A Skrull who has been posing as Colonel James Rhodes orders Nick Fury's wife Varra to kill him. While Gravik prepare to attack the U.S. President's convoy in the guise of the Russians, G'iah asks her father if he has a better way forward for their people.
With the fate of the planet on the line Fury arrives at New Skrullos to confront Gravik. The Skrull posing as Colonel Rhodes urges the U.S. President to start a war by calling for a nuclear strike, and G'iah acts to honor her father by taking matters into her own hands.