True Blood
2008-2014  (HBO)
True Blood

Season Four

True BloodSeason Four

She's Not There

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Life goes on in Bon Temps -- with and without a "traveling" Sookie -- in the fourth-season premiere as Eric and Bill take different public-relations routes to win over humans; and Sam bonds with kindred spirits. Meanwhile, Hoyt and Jessica can't agree on dinner; Jesus introduces Lafayette to a local coven; and Tara finds a release for her anger. (TV Guide)

You Smell Like Dinner

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Sookie reunites with Tara and seeks a solution to a vexing real-estate problem. Meanwhile, Bill flashes back to his past and informs Eric of a local coven whose recent experiments could become a problem for the vampire community; Jason receives some unorthodox medical attention; Sam learns more about Luna's demons; and Jessica struggles with her cravings for human blood. (TV Guide)

If You Love Me, Why Am I Dyin'?

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Sookie has her hands full when she tries to help an uncharacteristically befuddled Eric, but she's in for a bigger surprise on a visit to Shreveport to see Alcide. Meanwhile, Sam balks at joining Tommy's moneymaking scheme; Jessica turns to Bill for advice about a moral dilemma; Marnie searches for an elusive spirit; and Pam sets her sights on a meeting with a witch. (TV Guide)

I'm Alive and on Fire

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Alcide joins Sookie in her search for Eric; Marnie needs help breaking a spell; Bill finds something in common with the Bellefleurs; Jason pleads for his freedom from Hotshot; Sam tries to learn more about Luna; Tommy gets back to his roots. (TV Guide)

I Hate You, I Love You

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Lafayette goes to Mexico with Jesus to witness the power of a shaman; Bill becomes personally involved with the necromancy problem; Arlene and Terry hope religion can resolve a family issue; Sam teams up with Tommy. (TV Guide)

I Wish I Was the Moon

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Sookie hunts for Jason under a full moon; Arlene and Terry wonder about the cause of a strange fire; Debbie pressures Alcide to relocate; Lafayette has a spiritual experience in Mexico; Eric gives in to a higher authority; Marnie has contact with her supernatural predecessors. (TV Guide)

Cold Grey Light of Dawn

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Marnie's powers from beyond force Bill to take evasive, though unpopular, action to save vampires; Luna learns something new about Sam; Andy has a date with Holly; Jessica reconsiders her future with Hoyt; Alcide and Debbie run with a different crowd; Eric turns his amnesia into an asset. (TV Guide)


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Sookie and Eric side with the king when Bill and Marnie prepare for an epic confrontation; Lafayette is possessed by a troublesome spirit; Tommy gains a new perspective on life; Sam finds a dangerous opponent in werewolf leader Marcus, who also happens to be Luna's ex; Jessica faces a housing crisis. (TV Guide)


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A Festival of Tolerance in Shreveport finds Marnie plotting another strike against the vampires, much to Tara and Holly's dismay. Meanwhile, a recuperating Sookie mulls a world where Bill and Eric can coexist; contrasting agendas create friction between Bill and Nan Flanagan; Hoyt asks Jason for a favor; Marcus recruits an ally to deal with Sam; and Jesus tends to Lafayette's spiritual well-being. (TV Guide)

Burning Down the House

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Big trouble in Shreveport requires Sookie to draw on her untapped reserves of power to rescue Bill, causing Marnie to rethink her grand plans. Meanwhile, a fight between Marcus and Tommy creates a moral dilemma for Alcide; Terry stages an intervention for Andy; Jesus tries to free Tara and Holly; and a company of vampires sets out to wreak total havoc. (TV Guide)

Soul of Fire

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Sookie uses her faerie powers to save Eric, Bill and Pam from Marnie's latest spell during a crucial point in the vampires' feud with the Wiccans. Meanwhile, Jesus secretly tries to crack Antonia's defenses; Alcide questions Debbie's loyalties; and Sam gets even with Marcus. (TV Guide)

And When I Die

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Sookie taps into Bon Temps' spiritual past on Samhain, a Wiccan festival, for help in her battle with Marnie's latest incarnation. Meanwhile, Lafayette's recent medium encounter spells trouble for his relationship with Jesus; Terry has a surprise visitor at Merlotte's; Alcide makes a romantic proclamation; Debbie has a confrontation with Tara and Sookie; and Nan's authority has its limits after all. (TV Guide)