Orphan Black
2013-2017  (BBC America, BBC Three, Space)
Orphan Black

Beneath Her Heart

Orphan Black (503) - Beneath Her Heart

Beneath Her Heart

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As the fall fair arrives Alison struggles to come to terms with the life she has lost at Bailey Downs, including the death of her friend by her own negligence — while Detective Enger and the Neolutionists, searching for Helena, close in on the secrets hidden at the Hendrix home.

U.S. air dates are in MM.DD.YY form.   U.K. air dates are in DD.MM.YY form.
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    Stuck on the sidelines with Neolutionists crawling all over her home, Alison seeks to return to her community center, but Bailey Downs has moved on from her. As she flounders to take back some semblance of control, the ghost of friendships’ past rears its handsome head. Art and his new partner show up at the Hendrix residence to continue their search for Helena, forcing Art to make a difficult moral judgement. (BBC America)